A Calendar of Wishes

A Calendar of Wishes is not a regular promotion you put on over one month. It’s in fact a promotion you can have going for 12 months or more. It’s also atypical in the way that it’s a ‘loyalty’ kind of promotion with the objective of securing clients visit the salon at least once a month, providing your therapists with greater clients exposure and plenty of opportunity to upsell and communicate with their clients every month. This is PARTICULARLY good to target clients who don’t come regularly.

A Calendar of Wishes is a calendar of 12 offers, each valid for one month of the year. The offers are designed to show high-perceived value to the client and a minimal cost to you. On a couple of months, you actually give away treatments without any strings attached! (Believe me, there’s method to the madness here).

You don’t GIVE the calendar away for free. You in fact charge for it. We all know that by nature, people value more something they have to pay for, than something they get for free.

It’s also a promotion that hugely helps your therapists not only getting clients back in (rebooking) but giving them a legitimate personal and relevant reason to recall them via email, text or phone call.

Table of Contents

Video 1 – Introduction
Video 2 – Mechanics of the Promotion
Video 3 – Creatively Producing the Calendar Graphics (fun and enlightening video)
Video 4 – Briefing Your Team
Video 5 – Strategies to WORK the promotion (all year round)

What’s Included
Calendar Template in Powerpoint format